Contact Us
Mailing Address for All Buildings & Departments is:
P.O. Box 3620
North Branch, MI 48461
To contact us by email, use the following example
John Doe's email address would be
Central Administration
(810) 688-3570
Superintendent: Jim Fish
Secretary: Rhoda Lucia
Special Education Department
(810) 688-3570
Supervisor: Lori Wierbicki ext 2305
Secretary: Melissa Willer ext 2301
(810) 688-3660
Supervisor: Mark Britton
(810) 688-9362
Curriculum: Amber White
Food Service
(810) 688-3042
Supervisor: Kierstyn Cooper ext 2418
(810) 688-3570
Director: Jeffrey Drayton ex 2708
(810) 688-7999
Director: Mark Brown ext 2204
Homeless Liaison
(810) 688-3001
John Sherman
North Branch High School
(810) 688-3001
Principal: Mark Hiltunen
Assistant Principal: John Sherman
Quest Alternative High School
(810) 688-7581
Principal: Mark Hiltunen
Director: Corey Rosser
Ruth Fox Middle School
(810) 688-3284
Principal: Dane Terauds
Assistant Principal: Jennifer Lowe
North Branch Elementary School
(810) 688-3042
Principal: Theresa Rae
Assistant Principal: Nik Hopp