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Student Links

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Accelerated Reader/Star Reader

Access AR and Star Reader throught this link with the ID and password your teacher gave you. Please note-AR Quizzes may only be completed on a school computer.

AR Book Finder

Find information on Accelerated Books with this free online tool. Search for book titles based on authors, topics, or titles of books. Book Level and AR points are included.

To access these you will need to login to Clever with your student Google account.

Xello - College and Career Readiness
Imagine Learning (Formerly Edgenuity) -  Digital-first K–12 programs for core instruction.

Learning Ally
Making reading accessible for all.

March 2 Success

This website, sponsored by the US Army, offers students FREE access to standardized test preparation material. There are tutorials and flashcards for basic Math, Science, and English concepts. There are also practice ACT and SAT tests that provide instant feedback on student performance.

Moby Max

Login page for the Moby Math web site.

Mr. Maffesoli's Math Links

This site, designed by a Michigan Educator, has links to free web resources for students, parents, and staff aligned to the Kindergarten through Fifth Grade Math GLCEs and the Common Core Standards. There is a printable user guide and a video tutorial on the main page.

Online Math Games

This site has games for reveiwing math facts. It is primarily for elementary students.

M-Step - Sample Test

Pearson Realize
Login Page for Pearson Realize
Michigan Open Book Project - Social Studies

Skyward Student Access
Skyward Student Access allows students to view attendance, schedule, grading, discipline, and food service information for themselves. 

Splash Math
Splash Math is an award winning math program used by more than 4 million children for fun math practice. It includes unlimited math lessons on number.

21f Online Courses
